Card Game Cheat Super Mario 3

  1. Card Game Cheat Super Mario 3d
  2. Super Mario Bros 3 Nes
  3. Super Mario 3 Nes Cheats

If you gain 80,000 points with a character and then successfully beat the stage that you got the 80,000 points with you will unlock the N-Spade card game on the World Map. Head back to our Super Mario Bros. 3 cheats page for a load more cheats and tips for Super Mario Bros. Make sure you are Raccoon Mario, or at least Super Mario, when you start this level. Get the Super Leaf from the first Question Block, then jump over the next pipe. Wait a few seconds for a couple of Goombas to come out, then press A to jump on one, but keep holding A and you'll bounce higher. From right to left, the cards will always be Star, Flower and Mushroom. Remember that, and you’ll have a lot less trouble clearing out those N-Panels. There are plenty of other secrets to be found in older games like Super Mario Bros. 3, but these are some of the coolest available.

Super Mario Brothers 3 - Memory Match Labeled Map. Home Super Mario Brothers 3 Map Select Prev Map Next Map. Apr 1, 2014 - For Super Mario Bros. 3 on the NES, Card Game Solutions by Mike Truitt. Retro game cheats for Super Mario Bros. Freeola has over 100,000 cheat codes for 12,348 games. For Super Mario Bros. 3 on the NES, Card Game Solutions by Mike Truitt.

  • 28 P-Wings

Complete the game and watch the ending. Now start a new game. You got 28 P-Wings!
  • Harmless Bowser

Only the top part of Boswer can hurt you. So, it is possible to run through Bowser as small Mario and not get hurt. Or, you could have big Mario duck while Bowser tries to stomp on him. He'll remain unharmed.
  • Level 1 Fortress

Fly over the top of the level when you find the first door with your raccoon powers, and find a hidden door at the far right on the ceiling. It leads to a warp whistle.
  • Level 1-3

Find the white block near the end and crouch on to of it for 5 seconds. Then proceed to the goal, and go behind it. You will find a Mushroom house with a Whistle.
  • Level 2 Hammer Brother

Get the Hammer from one of the Hammer Brothers here and use it to destroy the rock at the upper right corner of the Level 2 Map. Then engage the hammer brother on the other side. You should get a chest with a Warp Whistle.
  • Make player 'hide' behind scenery

To 'hide' behind scenery, simply hold down for a couple seconds while standing on a white block. Then your player can 'hide' behind scenery for about thirty seconds.
  • Morph a wandering hammer brother into a treasure ship

To turn a wandering hammer brother (the ones that walk about on the world map) into a white ship full of coins, collect a number of coins that is a multiple of 11. Make the tens digit in your score match the multiple of 11. Stop the timer at the end of the stage that you are playing in on an even number.
One combination would be: 11 coins, 9,310 as your score, and the timer at 104. This only works in worlds 1, 3, 5, and 6.
  • Secret Whistles

At the end of level 1-3 before you go to the black screen you'll find a bunch of blocks in the air. Find the white one and hold DOWN. When you fall through, run to the end and press UP. Hurry! If you do this correctly you will be in a secret room. Open the chest to get a whistle with special powers!
In the miniature castle of world 1 get the P-Wing and keep flying. At the top you should go over a wall and stop moving. Press UP to reveal another whistle!
You can also get this whistle by using a racoon suit. First take out the bone turtle, then go to the far right, start to speed up using the b button. When you reach the left end (your flying power should be full)start flying upward until you enter the secret room containing the whistle.
The 3rd Secret Whistle is in World 2. Beat a Wandering Hammer Brother and you'll get a music box or a hammer. Use the hammer in the Top right area in the Desert (not the level) by the Pyramid it is all the way North of it. Use the hammer there. You'll find a Wandering Fire Brother with the whistle along with a Toad's House with a Frog Suit in it.
  • See a different Thank You letter from the King

Get through an airship and defeat the boss as a frog, Hammer Mario, or Tannooki, and you'll receive a letter from the King that reads a little differently.
  • To get the N-Spade Card Game

To get the N-Spade card game to appear on the World Map. You must do gain 80,000 points as one player, and successfully beat the stage that you broke the 80,000 points with.
  • Warp to Level 8

You could just use the warp whistle at level 7. If you want to go straight to level 8, you must use a Warp Whistle to proceed to the Warp Zone, then use another warp whistle IN THE WARP ZONE. You will be transported to the level 8 pipe at the bottom of the screen.


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Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ
Corey Feldman Interview
Super Guide mode

Intentionally fail a level eight times. You will now be able to hit a green 'Super Guide' block marked with a '!' in the level. This will set the game on auto-pilot, and Luigi will automatically complete the level for you. Note: This is not available in World 9.

Save option

Successfully complete the game. A 'Save' option will replace the 'Quick Save' option, allowing you to save anywhere on the map.

World 9

Successfully complete the game to unlock World 9. The levels in World 9 are only unlocked when all Star Coins are collected in Worlds 1 through 8.

    Level 9-1: Collect all Star Coins in World 1.
    Level 9-2: Collect all Star Coins in World 2.
    Level 9-3: Collect all Star Coins in World 3.
    Level 9-4: Collect all Star Coins in World 4.
    Level 9-5: Collect all Star Coins in World 5.
    Level 9-6: Collect all Star Coins in World 6.
    Level 9-7: Collect all Star Coins in World 7.
    Level 9-8: Collect all Star Coins in World 8.
    Level 9-9: Collect all Star Coins in all previous levels of World 9.
Title screen stars

Successfully complete one of the indicated tasks to unlock a star at the title screen:

    1. Successfully complete the game.
    2. Successfully complete all normal levels.
    3. Collect all 207 Star Coins in Worlds 1 through 8.
    4. Successfully complete World 9 with all 24 Star Coins.
    5. Successfully complete all levels with all alternate paths (all Warp Cannons and Mushroom Houses used).
    6. Successfully complete all levels without unlocking the Super Guide Block (do not die eight times) to unlock sparkling stars.
Mushroom houses

In a level with a white Toad marker, listen for Toad when the level begins, then break the '?' block that he is inside to free him. Reach the end of the level, and a mushroom house will appear. One of the following types of mushroom house with a mini-game or reward will appear, depending on the last number of the timer when you collect the flag at the end of the level:

    Green house with 1-Up Cannon mini-game: Last number of the timer is 0, 1, 2 or 3.
    Red house with Match mini-game: Last number of the timer is 4, 5 or 6.
    Gold house with Star reward: Last number of the timer is 7, 8 or 9.

Successfully complete the game to have all Mushroom Houses in Worlds 1 through 8 reappear.

Alternate paths

The following levels have secret exits:

World 1

    Level 1-3: Cannon

World 2

    Level 2-4: Warp pipe directly to the castle
    Level 2-6: Cannon

World 3

    Ghost House: Cannon
    Level 3-4: Warp to Level 3-5 or castle
    Level 3-5: Star Mushroom House

World 4

    Fortress: Cannon
    Ghost House: Star Mushroom House

World 5

    Ghost House: Cannon

World 6

Card Game Cheat Super Mario 3d

    Level 6-5: Castle back door
    Level 6-6: Cannon

World 7

    Fortress: Warp to Level 7-6
    Ghost House: Warp to Level 7-5

World 8

    Level 8-2: Warp to Level 8-7
Alternate endings

Successfully complete the game with less than 100 Star Coins, and the Princess will say 'Did I ever tell you about the Secret World?'.


Successfully complete the game will all Star Coins from Worlds 1 through 8, and the Princess will say 'Oh Mario, tell me about your adventure again!'. Alternately, successfully complete the game two times.

Hint movies

Collect all three Star Coins on a level to unlock the Hint movie for that particular level.

Hatless Mario

Get 99 lives to have Mario not wear his hat. If you complete a level with 99 lives, Mario will not be wearing a hat at the map screen or the next level. He will wear a hat again if his lives drop below 99.

Card Game Cheat Super Mario 3Infinite lives

In World 2-3, just past the two Piranha Plants (after the mid-level point), you will come to a staircase with a turtle coming down it. Jump on the turtle just as it is about to go off the third stair (third from the bottom). If done correctly, Mario will continue to jump on the turtle and earn up to 99 lives. If you miss the turtle, go back towards the left and return to the staircase and the turtle will respawn. This is a reference to the original Super Mario Bros., in which you could do the same trick to get unlimited lives.

Go to World 7-4 as Mini Mario. Go through the stage while staying on the left side. You will eventually see a '?' box and a ledge. Jump on the box then to the ledge. Jump off the ledge, making sure to stay against the wall and you will reach a platform with a pipe leading to a red flagpole. You will unlock a 1-Up Mushroom House to the north of World 7-4, which never disappears. You can continue to get 1-Ups until you reach your maximum of 99.

In World 7-5, throw a Koopa shell in-between the two Bullet Bill cannons to get an extra life every four seconds.

Easy lives

While riding on a Yoshi, jump on the bullets seven or eight times to get extra lives.

Kill eight enemies while using a star to get an extra life. You can keep it going until the star runs out if you are fast enough.

Kill eight enemies with a turtle shell to get an extra life. You can keep hitting the turtle shell until there are no more enemies if you run fast enough.

Jump on seven turtles to get an extra life. You can keep jumping on the turtles until there are no more to jump on if you are fast enough.

Freeze the Pokeies, then do a quick Ground Pound to get at least five extra lives.

Easy coins

Stand still, then Spin Jump on a dancing flower to get a coin.

Head protection

Stand in front of a small item such as a turtle shell, and press 1 and shake the Wii-mote while picking it up. Hold it over your head to protect against falling objects.

Avoiding random encounters

To avoid encountering random enemies on the world map, activate a Star from your item menu.

Double Ground Pound

In Multiplayer mode, have both players do a Ground Pound (press [Jump], Down) and hit the ground simultaneously to perform a Double Ground Pound that can kill nearby enemies similarly to using a POW Block.

Stealing teammate's Red Mushroom House turn

In Multiplayer mode, do a Ground Pound on your teammate to steal their turn in a Red Mushroom House match game.

Hidden player sounds

In Multiplayer mode, when someone runs out of lives during a level, they can hold the D-pad in any direction and press 1 and 2 to make sounds such as a cowbell, drums, clapping, and horn.

Super Mario Bros. reference

Successfully complete the first level or any level while rescuing a captured toadstool in Single Player mode to hear end of level music from Super Mario Bros.

At the end of any stage except Bosses, touch the flag when the last two digits of the clock are the same (for example, 311, 222, 099, 111). When the flag is lowered, the old chime (for clearing a level) from Super Mario Bros. will play as you walk into the castle. Once inside, and the flag is raised, fireworks will go off corresponding with the number repeated on the clock. For example, if the time is 099, then nine explosions will be set off; however, if it is 211, only one will go off. The time will also set off other events, as stated in other cheats listed.

Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario Galaxy reference

During the introduction sequence, you can see Bowser Jr. and the other Koopalings leave after kidnapping Princess Peach and taking off in an airship from Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario Galaxy.

When you enter the airship, the background music is the airship song from Super Mario Galaxy.

Yoshi's Island series reference

Super Mario Bros 3 Nes

After defeating the Koopa Kids once, Kamek will cast a spell to make them tougher for the rematch. In Yoshi's Island and Yoshi's Island DS, he also cast spells on those Bosses to make them tougher.

Super Mario 3 Nes Cheats

After you press the button during the Bowser fight, Kemek will cast a spell on Bowser to make him bigger and stronger. This also happens in Yoshi's Island DS.