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- Pokemon Leaf Green Cheats Rare Candy In Game Boy 2
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- Pokemon Leaf Green Emulator Cheats Rare Candy
- Pokemon Leaf Green Cheats For Gba
Leaf Green CF1BCCE4 F26C57D9 add second line (which is the item) Second line: RARE CANDY 51CF1F27 2E270374 It'll look like this: CF1BCCE4 F26C57D9 51CF1F27 2E270374 IMPORTANT: THE ITEMS CAN BE BOUGHT AT THE POKEMART. THE POKEMON CAN BE FOUND IN THE GRASS OR WUTEVER. And you can only pick the pokemon one at a time Example: Latios. This page contains Cheats for Pokemon LeafGreen organized by sections for GameBoy Advance. This game has 'Role-Playing Console-style RPG' as genre, made by Game Freak, released on Sep 7, 2004. If you can't find a hint or secret in our list, then please check this page periodically for the latest updates. If u r playing in gameboy or in my boy then open cheats then type rare candy in the description then in cheat code box type 820 now save this code.Now go to any pokemon centre and open the pc then select my pc option and go to items then.
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Use the above links or scroll down see all to the Game Boy Advance cheats we have available for Pokemon: LeafGreen.

Catch A Mewtwo
How to catch a mewtwo, all you have to do is go to cerullian cave go a little deeper underground where the pokemon are stronger and keep searching though battles to find a mewtwo when you do if you have a masterball use it. If you don't just keep hiting mewtwo till his health is orange or red. Note:if I where you I would stock up on potions and medicine.
Finding Selphy
In the Lost Cave, on Five Island, start from thebeginning and go right, up, down, down, right,left, down, right and up. When she sees you, shewill fight with two level 49 Persians.Afterwards you will go to her house and ask tosee a Pokemon(random). At my game she wanted tosee a Ledyba and gave me a Luxury Ball.
To get a togepi go to five island, then go to the water labryinth and keep going till you find an island. Then make sure you have room in your pokemon belt and talk to the man near the edge and he will give you an egg. If you want a girl put it in the end of the list, if you want a boy put it first. It will take a while to hatch because it hatches after a certain amount of steps. Once it hatches you will have a togepi.

Sneasel can be found in Icefall Cave on FourIsland (only LeafGreen)
Master Ball
You get this after you beat the guy on the lastfloor then talk to the president of silph co.Then he will give you a Master Ball (this ballwill catch any wild pokemon with out fail)
Mewtwo can be found in cerulean cave once you gain access, if you want to catch mewtwo easily then don't use your masterbal on the bird pokemon, save it for mewtwo for an easy catch, Mewtwo is level 70 so a masterbal is the wise choice if you don't like to waste time.
How To Have A Metopod That Can Attack
What you have to do is catch a caterpie in Viridian forest and then train caterpie until it evolves into metopod when it reaches level 6.
National Pokedex
To get the National Pokedex collect 70 pokemon and go to professor Oak and he will give you the national pokedex.
Easier Way To Catch Pokemon In The Safari Zone
If you know where fusia city is, and you know where the safari game is when you enter, go into the grass and when you find a wild pokemon, throw bait at it and if they don't run, keep throwing a safari ball at it, if you see something that says the pokemon is watching carefully throw more bait at it. WARNING:if you find a nidorina she will often run alot.
How To Use The Mystery Gift
If you put in 'link together with all' on the questionany, submit your questionary. Then the shop owner will say something, after that just save and restart the gameboy advanced, then when it shows your profile, under new game it says mystery gift. WARNING:you need a wireless adapter to access the mystery gift!
How To Level Up Your Pokemon Fast.
When you get to ember island take a pokemon that knows surf and to where the hotsprings are then before you enter the cave there should be two karate kids walking then there will be two people standing side by side who will want to have a two pokemon battle use your versus seeker and look out because there are pretty high level pokemon so use an exp share if you need to.
Level Up Your Grass Pokemon Faster
Go to digletts cave with grass type pokemon (bulbasur, bellsprout, etc. ) . Razor leaf and vine whip work really well against the digletts so use that. Stay in the cave until you level your pokemon up to where you want it.
Get A Hitmontop
First get a tyroge and use protien and iron to make sure its attack and defense are equal and it will evolve into a hitmontopnote: if its attack/defense is higher it will evolve into hitmonchan/hitmonlee.
One way to get a lapras is to get in sliph Co. By beating Gary then talk to the person below him on the left. Congrats you got a lapras.
Get An Aerodactyl
To get a lvl 5 aerodactyl you have to go to pewter city and go to the house by the museum and cut down the tree go in the house and talk to the guy standing next to the shelf with the orange thing on it get the amber piece then go to cinnabar island when you get there go in the pokemon lab next to the pokemon center (hospital) go in the lab and in the third door to the right then talk to the guy in the white coat and give him the amber peice go out of the room and go then go back in and talk to him and he will give you an AERODACTYL! (i named mine chomp).
Hitmonlee And Hitmonchan
First go to Saffron City and go to the fighting dojo. Once you beat Dojo Master Kevin he will tell you to pick ONE of the pokemon behind him. Hitmonlee is on the right and Hitmonchan is on the left. Remember you can only pick ONE of them.
Legendary Pokemon
MewTwo:Cerulean Cave
Lugia:Naval Rock (Down)
HO-OH:Naval Rock (Up)
Deoxys:Birth Island
Areodactyl:Cinnabar Island
Moltres:Mount. Ember
Zapdos:Power Plant.
How To Get Vamporeon,Jolteon,and Flareon
As you no you can only get Eevee once so you have to put a Diddo and the Eevee in the day care center on four island. Eventually the old man will find an egg and it will be an Eevee not a Diddo. And then you will keep getting eggs so you can have Vamporeon, Jolteon, and Flareon. ( Will still work even if you already evolved the Eevee).
Getting to the Final Cave
To get into the Final Cave you have to beat theislands mission.
Easy Legendary Bird Catching
Once you find a legendary bird, use thunder waveor similar technique to paralyze it. Then slowlyweaken it, and when there is little health left,have a strong pokemon (marowak,scyther) use falseswipe, which will only leave 1HP. After that, itshouldn't take more than 15 ultra balls to catchit.
How To Trade With Ruby/Sapphire
First, complete the cinnaber island gym and Billwill be outside. Talk to him and say yes. Thenyou'll go to one island. Go into the big pokemoncenter and you will see a machine. Talk to theman and he'll tell you find the ruby gem. Go tofire place and battle team rocket. It might takea bit of time for team rocket to battle you sotake your chances. After you beat them go insidethe cave and explore and you will eventually findthe ruby gem. Go back to the pokemon center andgive it to the guy by the machine and he lets yougo back to Kanto. Defeat the last gym leader (inViridian city) and defeat the pokemon league. Goback to one island and I think you talk to theguy by the machine. Then go to six island and runto the ruin valley and the dotted hole. Thebraille reads cut so use cut on the entrance.Then get the instruction booklet you got when yougot this game and go to page 61 and translate thebraille. Then you find the other gem but ascientist steals it and go to the meadow on fiveisland and go around all the islands until youfind the two passwords and then open the door ofthe lab in the meadow. Battle team rocket andeventually you'll find the gem. Go back to thepokemon center and give the gem to the guy. Thenyou will be able to trade with ruby/sapphire.
Pokemon Voices
As in Ruby and Sapphire, if you listen closely,then you can hear the growls of pokemon in thearea you're standing in.
When trying to catch Moltres, I suggest using afire type pokemon and using only fire attacks tolower Moltres' hp slowly to a small amount.After that, just use regular pokeballs to catchit.
Mystery Gift
Go to the pokemon mart and go to the paper near the store ownerand put in 'link together with all'.
Zaptos can be found in the power plant on route10. Buy all the ultra balls it is the hardest tocatch out of all the birds.
Blue Nidoran Boy
There is a blue Nidoran boy in the Safari Zone.All you have to do is keep looking.
Low Level Electrode
First, you have to obtain a Pikachu fromViridian Forest (low level) or the abandonedPower Plant and buy a Thunderstone from theCeladon Dept. Store. Then, use the Thunderstoneon the Pikachu and evolve it into a Raichu. Goto Cinnabar Island and go to the Pokemon Lab andgo to the 1st room and trade the old man for theElectrode and when you get it, it should be at alow level.
Pokemon Red Cheats Rare Candy
Ditto can be found on Routes 13, 14, 15, PokemonMansion and Cerulean Cave.
First go to one island if you've beaten Blain(7th gym leader)and go to Mt.Ember and go to thevery end of the moutain and you will findit.Hint:you will need srength.
Link With Ruby And Saphire
To be able to link with Pokemon Ruby and PokemonSaphire, you must first beat the Elite 4. Youmust also complete the first quest on the threeislands. Then, go to One Island and talk toCelio (Bill's friend). He will ask you toretrieve a gem. Go on the path to get Moltres,but Once you get to Mt. Ember, go left and up. 2guys will be outside a cave. Go twoards them andthey will start talking and say a password tothe Team Rocket Warehouse (you don't need toremember this). They will find you and challengeyou to a battle. After you beat them, they willrun away. Go through the cave to get the Ruby.Bring it back to Celio and he will give you aRainbow Pass to let you go to islands 4-7. Hewill also ask you to get another gem. The RocketWarehouse is on 5 island, but go to 4 islandfirst and beat the people in the ice cave. Ithink you need the other password to get thegem, but I'm not sure. This is as far as I'vegotten.
To get to Zapdos, you must go to Cerulean Cityand go to the area where the people were robbed.You must have HMs 1 & 3(Cut & surf). Now gothrough the house and come out the other end.Then go the only way you can and cut the treedown. Then find your way through the 'maze' oftrainers. Then once you get to water, Surf downto the Power Plant and enter. Once you've donethat, go and find your way through and you shouldend up in front of it. Then save before youbattle it, because if you mess up, you can justturn it off and back on.
The 4 Link Evlolve Pokemon
If you can't get Hounter, Graveler, Kadabra, orMachoke to evolve it is because the will onlyevolve when you trade it to someone. Forexample, you would trade a Kadabra with a friendand once it got to your friend it would evolve.Have you friend trade it back and now you haveyourself an Alakazam.
All 3 Starter Pokemon!
To use this, you must have 2 gameboy Advances(OrGBA player/ GBA SP) And 2 copies of Leaf Green,or a Leaf Green and a Fire Red. 1st, catch apokemon(you can release it later if you want)Get to a part in the games where you can trade,and trade your starter pokemon into the othergame. Keep erasing and restarting your gameuntil you have 2 Charmander, 2 Bulbasaur, and 2Squirtle on 1 of the games. Then, trade 1 ofeach back. (you can also use Ruby/Sapphire as astorage unit. This is way cooler, but thePokemon will NOT show up on the Pokedex thisway))
Pokemon Leaf Green Cheats Rare Candy In Game Boy 2
Pokemon Leaf Green Cheats Rare Candy In Game Boy Scouts
Go to Fushia city and go down to the bottom ofthe city where you will see walls to jump over.Go over them, and skip the trainers by goingaround them. Then surf and avoid the trainers bygoing all the way to the right. Go down until oucant,then go left all the way through route20,then you will reach a small island. It is thesecond seafoam cave. Push all the bouldersthrought he holes, and then drop into the verylast one(there is two holes when you are at thedeepest point with quite a bit of boulders)thenthe water way should be blocked. Then you willsee a bird pokemon. It is Articuno. I usedmasterball to catch it, i will regret using itthough.
National Dex
Have at least 60 Pokemon in your pokedex whenyou beat the Elite Four. If you do, after youbeat them go to Professor Oak and he will giveyou and your Rival the National Dex. This allowsyou to go to the remaining rainbow islands andto be able to catch newer pokemon (gold/silver,and I think some saphire/ruby) there.
Starting Pokemon
Bulbasaur is quick to grow and can easaly takeout the first 2 gyms. Squirtle can take out Brockand can use Misty's TM. Charmander is much morehard to raise but can be used to FLY later andcan take out the later gyms and use Blain's TM.The choise is up to you but you should take thesehints to mind. I persomaly chose the hard route,Charmander.
Free Status Power Ups
In the Silph Co. building check all of the plantsfor any Protiens. The items will usualy be in themiddle plant of a group.
Reset Game
We have no unlockables for Pokemon: LeafGreen yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
How To Hatch An Egg
When you get an egg keep it party and once you walked enough steps it will hatch. And if you keep it as your first pokemon it will be a boy and if you put it as your last pokemon it will be a girl.
We have no glitches for Pokemon: LeafGreen yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
Pokemon Leaf Green Emulator Cheats Rare Candy
Created by: SilverSith.Read the full guide...
Created by: SilverSith.Read the full guide...
Created by: GOW2fan.Read the full guide...
Created by: squirtle1496.Read the full guide...
Pokemon Leaf Green Cheats For Gba
Created by: Poke Master 12.Read the full guide...
Created by: Aliii82.Read the full guide...
Created by: pc master.Read the full guide...